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For security and privacy reasons, STARLIMS requires that each new user session be completely isolated from other sessions, even if they were started by the same user.

Shared session

STARLIMS has detected that the current browser window shares its session with another one on your computer. Please close this window and re-open it correctly.

This issue is caused by a property of the Internet Explorer browser, which tries to reuse existing processes/ session in certain situations:

  • the current window was opened by selecting File -> New Window (Ctrl+N) from another browser with STARLIMS loaded
  • the current windows was opened by using a Desktop shortcut, while a different browser with STARLIMS loaded already existed
  • Internet Explorer 11 was used. Please read below for helpful tips on how to use IE11 with STARLIMS v12

In order to avoid this situation, and to correctly operate STARLIMS, please ensure that you always start IE from a start menu, quick launch or desktop shortcut, and those shortcuts point directly to IEXPLORE.EXE and not to a particular web page.

Make sure you use File -> New Session in the IE11 menu or start IE11 with the -noframemerging option i.e. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -noframemerging.

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